Sunday, January 26, 2020

Literature Review On Remote Sensing Environmental Sciences Essay

Literature Review On Remote Sensing Environmental Sciences Essay Remote sensing is the science or art of acquiring information about the Earths surface without actually being in contact with it. This is done by sensing and recording reflected or emitted energy and processing, analyzing, and applying that information. In much of remote sensing, the process involves an interaction between incident radiation and the targets of interest. (Dr. S. M. Rahman, 2001). Remote sensing makes it possible to collect data on dangerous or inaccessible areas. Remote sensing applications include monitoring deforestation  in areas such as the  Amazon Basin,  glacial  features in Arctic and Antarctic regions, and  depth sounding  of coastal and ocean depths. Military collection during the  Cold War  made use of stand-off collection of data about dangerous border areas. Remote sensing also replaces costly and slow data collection on the ground, ensuring in the process that areas or objects are not disturbed. Remote sensing exceedingly influences everyday life, ranging from  weather forecasts  to reports on  climate change  or  natural disasters. As an example, 80% of the German students use the services of  Google Earth. (Wikipedia, 2012) In recent time, with mans increasing interventions with the environment, the situation is aggravated. The quality of available data is extremely uneven. Land use planning based on unreliable data can lead to costly and gross errors. Soil erosion research is a capital-intensive and time-consuming exercise. Global extrapolation on the basis of few data collected by diverse and non-standardized methods can lead to gross errors and it can also lead to costly mistakes and misjudgements on critical policy issues. So, remote sensing provides convenient solution for this problem. Moreover, voluminous data gathered with the help of remote sensing techniques are batter handled and utilized with the help of Geographical Information System (GIS). (M. H. Mohamed Rinos, 2000) There are two different approaches that can be adopted for determining the characteristics of landslide from remote sensing data. The first approach determines more qualitative characteristics such as number, distribution, type and character of debris flow. This can be achieved with either satellite or air borne imagery collected in the visible and infrared regions of the spectrum. The next approach complements the qualitative characterization, estimating dimensions (e.g. length, width, thickness and local slope, motion, and debris distribution) along and across the mass movement. (V. Singhroy, 2004) Literature Review on Geographical Information System (GIS) Geographical Information System (GIS) is used to arrange the computer hardware, software, and geographic data. It helps the people interact, analyze, identify relationship and find the solutions to the problems. The system is designed to capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display studied data and used to perform analyses (ESRI, 2005). Since 1970s, GIS has been used to analyze various environments. But the extensive application of GIS to hydrologic and hydraulic modeling and flood mapping and management begin from early 1990s. (Maidment, 2000). GIS has the ability to represent elevation in terms of topographic surfaces is central to geomorphological analyses and thus to the importance of representing topography using Digital Elevation Model (DEM). It is through the distribution of soil that the land surface changes over the long term and so the ability to link sediment transfer with DEM changes. (Schmidt, 2000) ArcView GIS desktop software provided the tools of map features that will affect a propertys value such as crime rates, environmental hazards, and the condition of surrounding neighborhoods and properties. ESRIs ArcGIS is a GIS which is working with maps and geographic information. ArcGIS software can be used for following functions: creating and using maps, compiling geographic data, analyzing mapped information, sharing and discovering geographic information, using maps and geographic information in a range of applications, and managing geographic information in database. (Wikipedia, ArcGIS, 2012). The ArcGIS provides tools for constructing maps and geographic information. Literature review on soil erosion Soil erosion is one form of soil degradation along with soil compaction, low organic matter, and loss of soil structure, poor internal drainage, salinization, and soil acidity problems (Wall, 2003). When the degradation of the soil is getting serious, it will contribute in accelerate the soil erosion. Soil erosion is a natural process; it usually does not cause any major problem to the environment. The soil is carried by the agents such as wind, water, ice, animals, and the use of tools by man. Soil erosion is a very slow process and even unnoticeable sometime, but it may occur at an alarming rate which causing the loss of topsoil. Farmers worldwide are losing about 24 billion tonnes of topsoil each year. In developing countries, because of the population pressure forces land to be more intensively farmed, the erosion rates per acre are twice as high as the standard. The soil erosion also will affect the productivity and growth. This is because when the soils are depleted and crops receive poor nourishment from the soil, the food provides poor nourishment to people. The rate of losses soil is faster than the creation of new soil. The difference between creation and loss represents an annual loss of 7.5 to 10 tonnes per acre worldwide. (DeHaan, 1992) The eroded soil that enters watercourse will reduce the water quality, reduces the efficiency of the particulars drainage system and also decreases the storage capacity of lakes. Sediment is the eroded soil that settles in the water systems. Accumulation of the sediment will reduce the capacity of a river or reservoirs to hold flood water. Thus, it requires a lot of money to clean the sediment often and manually. Sediment also can block the sunlight for aquatic plant and inhibit fish spawning. The water becomes not safe for drinking if there is runoff of chemical and nutrients from surrounding farmers fields. In Malaysia, soil erosion is a common natural occurrence. This is due to particular topography, soils and corresponding vegetation that predominate and the extensive rainfall that the country experiences. However, accelerated soil erosion is becoming a serious problem in Malaysia because of rapid land use developments. Various forms of erosion control have been proposed to develop the land in ways that are sensitive to its geography. (Abdullah, 2005) Literature review on Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation The development of Universal Soil Loss Equation (ULSE) initially was to assist soil conservationists in farm planning. They used ULSE to estimate the soil loss on specific slopes in specific fields. USLE was a guide for the conservationist and farmer to control the erosion if the estimated soil loss exceeded acceptable limits. Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) is a science tool that has been improved over the last several years. It is based on USLE and makes some improvement on the equation. The RULSE has improved the effects of soil roughness and the effect of local weather on the prediction of soil loss and sediment delivery. (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, 2003). RUSLE can be used for site evaluation and planning purposes and to aid in the decision in selecting erosion control measure. The RUSLE provides numbers to substantiate the benefits of planned erosion control measures and also an estimate of severity of erosion. A = R.K.LS.C.P A is annual soil loss (tonnes/ha/year). R is rainfall erosivity factor. It is an erosion index for the given storm period ( K is soil erodibility factor. It is the erosion rate for a specific soil continuous fallow condition on a 9% slope having a length of 22.1m (tonnes/ha/( LS are topographic factor. It represents the slope length and the slope steepness. It represents the ratio of the soil loss from a specific site to that from a unit site (9% slope with slope length 22.1m) while other parameters are held constant. C is the cover management factor. It represents the protective coverage of canopy and organic material in direct contact with the ground. P is the support practice factor. It includes the soil conservation operations and other measure of control erosion. Literature review on USLE and RUSLE Table 2.1 Comparison of USLE and RUSLE (Renard, 1991) Factor USLE RUSLE R Based on long term average rainfall conditions for specific geographic areas Data from more weather stations and thus the value are more precise for any given location. RUSLE computes a correction to R. This is to reflect the effect of raindrop impact for flat slopes striking water ponded on the surface. K Based on soil texture, organic matter content, permeability, and other factors inherent to soil type. Adjusted to account for seasonal changes such as freezing and thawing, soil moisture, and soil consolidation. LS Based on length and steepness of slope, regardless of land use. Assigning new equations based on the ratio of rill to interrill erosion, and accommodates complex slopes. C Based on cropping sequence, surface residue, surface roughness, and canopy cover, with are weighted by the percentage. Lumps these factor into a table of soil loss ratios, by crop and tillage scheme. Sub factors (prior land use, canopy cover, surface cover, surface roughness, and soil moisture) are used. Dividing each year into rotation of 15 day intervals, then calculate the soil loss ratio for each period. The value need to recalculate if one of the sub factors change. RUSLE provides improved estimates of soil loss changes as they occur throughout the year, especially relating to surface and near surface residue and the effects of climate on residue decomposition. P Values change depending on the slope ranges with some distinction for various ridge heights. It is based on installation of practices that slow runoff and thus reduce soil movement. Values are based on hydrologic soil groups, slope, row grade, ridge height, and the 10 year single storm erosion index value. In RUSLE, it computes the effect of strip-cropping based on the transport capacity of flow in dense strips relative to the amount of sediment reaching the strip. The P factor for conservation planning considers the amount and location of deposition. Literature review on landslide Landslides are a type of soil erosion and major natural geological hazards. Each year, the landslide is responsible for enormous property damage which involves both direct and indirect costs. Malaysia experience frequent landslides. According to the local newspaper report in the years 2006-2009, along east coast highways in Peninsular Malaysia, in Sabah (East Malaysia) and in the island state of Penang, heavy rainfalls triggered landslides and mud flows. (Pradhan, 2009) Landslides happen when there are changes from a stable to an unstable condition in the stability of a slope. There are natural causes and human causes which contributing to a change in the stability of a slope. Natural causes of landslides include: Groundwater (pore water) pressure acting to destabilize the slope Loss or absence of vertical vegetative structure, soil nutrients and soil structure Erosion of the toe of a slope by rivers or ocean waves Weakening of a slope through saturation by snowmelt, glaciers melting, or heavy rains Earthquakes adding loads to barely table slope Earthquake-caused liquefaction destabilizing slopes Volcanic eruptions Landslides that are due to human causes are: Deforestation, cultivation and construction, which destabilize the already fragile slope Vibrations from machinery or traffic Blasting Earthwork which alters the shape of a slope, or which imposes new loads on existing slope In shallow soils, the removal of deep-rooted vegetation that bind colluvium to bedrock Construction, agricultural or forestry activities which change the amount of water which infiltrates the soil. (Wikipedia, 2012) Landslides in Malaysia are mainly triggered by tropical rainfall and flash floods. The rainfall and floods cause the rock to fail along fracture, joint and cleavage planes. The geology of Malaysia is quite stable but continuous development and urbanization lead to deforestation and erosion of the covering soil layers thus causing serious threats to the slopes (Pradhan, 2007). Abandoned project at hill sites for a certain period which affecting the maintenance of the slopes could causing the slopes to collapse. List of landslide events happened in Malaysia: 1 May 1961 A landslide occurred in  Ringlet,  Cameron Highlands,  Pahang. 21 October 1993 The man-made  Pantai Remis landslide  caused a new  cove  to be formed in the coastline. 11 December 1993 48 people were killed when a block of the  Highland Towers collapsed  at  Taman Hillview,  Ulu Klang,  Selangor. 30 June 1995 20 people were killed in the landslide at  Genting Highlands slip road  near  Karak Highway. 6 January 1996 A landslide in the  North-South Expressway  (NSE) near  Gua Tempurung,  Perak. 29 August 1996 A mudflow near Pos Dipang  Orang Asli  settlement in  Kampar,  Perak, 44 people were killed in this tragedy. 15 May 1999 A landslide near  Bukit Antarabangsa,  Ulu Klang,  Selangor. Most of the  Bukit Antarabangsa  civilians were trapped. 20 November 2002 The  bungalow  of the  Affin Bank  chairman General (RtD) Tan Sri Ismail Omar collapse causing landslide in  Taman Hillview,  Ulu Klang,  Selangor. December 2003 A rockfall in the  New Klang Valley Expressway  (NKVE) near the  Bukit Lanjan  interchange caused the expressway to close for more than six months. 31 May 2006 Four persons were killed in the  landslides  at Kampung Pasir, Ulu Klang, Selangor. 26 December 2007 Two villagers were buried alive in a major landslide, which destroyed nine wooden houses in Lorong 1, Kampung Baru Cina,  Kapit,  Sarawak. 12 February 2009 one contract worker was killed in a landslide at the construction site for a 43-storey condominium in  Bukit Ceylon,  Kuala Lumpur. 21 May 2011 16 people mostly 15 children and a caretaker of an orphanage were killed in a  landslide caused by heavy rains  at the Childrens Hidayah Madrasah Al-Taqwa orphanage in FELCRA Semungkis,  Hulu Langat,  Selangor. (Wikipedia, 2012) A scientific analyses of landslides need to be carry out to predict landslide-susceptible areas, and thus reduce landslide damages through proper preparation and mitigation. So, understanding landslides and preventing them is a serious challenge across worldwide. Literature review on past research and studies TITLE The application of GIS-based logistic regression for landslide susceptibility mapping in the Kakuda-Yahiko Mountains, Central Japan AUTHOR, YEAR Lulseged Ayalew, Hiromitsu Yamagishi, 2005 STUDY AREA Kakuda-Yahiko Mountains and their surroundings. OBJECTIVE / CONCEPT To study the landslide risk around the Kakuda-Yahiko Mountains. To study the use of logistic regression. To demonstrate the combination bivariate statistical analyses (BSA) to simplify the interpretation of the model. METHODOLOGY / METHOD Analytical approaches In LR or even in linear regression, it does little good to combine data with different measuring scales. Make sure that data have been normalized in a manner LR needs. Failure to do so generally leads to problems during the interpretation of the final results. Statistical results Overall model statistics of the regression conducted in this study using IDRISI. Coefficient positive indicating that they are positively related to the probability of landslide formation through the log transformation. Prediction probabilities and the construction of the susceptibility map In addition to the model statistics and coefficients, the final result of the regression process in IDRISI is a predicted map of probability defined by numbers that are constrained to fall between 0 and 1. The more these numbers are close to 1, the better they indicate the likelihood of finding the mapped landslides. Depending on the independent parameters considered, the landslide inventory map and the statistical approach used, the best predictor parameters and the predicted probability map of a logistic regression can vary considerably. OUTPUT / SUMMARY / RESULT Landslides are portrayed according to the types of movements namely slide, fall, flow, spread and topple. The principle of logistic regression (LR) rests on the analysis of a problem, in which a result measured with dichotomous variables such as 0 and 1 or true and false, is determined from one or more independent factors. TITLE Assessment of soil erosion and sediment delivery ratio using remote sensing and GIS AUTHOR, YEAR Weifeng ZHOU and Bingfang WU, 2008 STUDY AREA Upstream Chaobaihe River catchment, north China. OBJECTIVE / CONCEPT To develop monitoring of soil losses in the upstream Chaobaihe River Catchment. To develop a model by using Geographic Information System tools. To compute sediment delivery ratio (SDR) per hydrological unit. METHODOLOGY / METHOD Data Collection Remote sensing data, digital elevation model (DEM), and land use and land cover GIS data were used. Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) Simple empirical model, based on regression analyses of soil loss rates on erosion plots in the USA. The model is designed to estimate long-term annual erosion rates for agricultural fields. A = R ·K ·L ·S ·C A represents mean (annual) soil loss, R is the rainfall erosive factor, K is the soil erosibility factor, L is the slope factor, S is the slope length factor, and C is the cover management factor. OUTPUT / SUMMARY / RESULT The work indicated there are a number of advantages in using the modified USLE equation including the ability to combine it with a raster-based GIS to produce a cell-by-cell basis for mapping spatial patterns of soil erosion rates. The advantage of using a GIS raster based framework is that it allows one to quantify the impact of a single factor on the overall result and it can also easily be updated with improved datasets. TITLE Soil erosion hazard evaluation An integrated use of remote sensing, GIS and statistical approaches with biophysical parameters towards management strategies AUTHOR, YEAR Md. Rejaur Rahman, Z.H. Shi, Cai Chongfa, 2009 STUDY AREA Within the Danjiangkou County, with an area of 3115.58 km2 and located in the north-western part of Hubei province of China. OBJECTIVE / CONCEPT To develope numerical model for soil erosion hazard assessment Tto analyze soil erosion by attempting to estimate the volumes or masses of soil loss METHODOLOGY / METHOD Analysis of study area The selected area is within the Danjiangkou County, with an area of 3115.58 km2 and located in the north-western part of Hubei province of China. Sandy clay loam, silt loam and sandy loam on the study area play a dominant role in soil erosion by water. Data acquisition and preparation Prepare and analyze the different types of data in soil erosion prediction and hazard assessment as there are many factors that affect soil erosion status. Soil erosion estimation Models are needed to predict soil erosion rates under different resource and land-use conditions. Empirical erosion prediction models continue to play an important role in soil conservation planning and are widely used to predict soil erosion. OUTPUT / SUMMARY / RESULT The Z-score analysis with GIS and selected parameters, provided a hazard assessment of soil erosion of the area. The methodology of combining the Z-score with GIS provided an improved method for the synthetic evaluation of soil erosion hazard, which extended the GIS capability of spatial analysis and the Z-score capability of multi-layer analysis. TITLE Spatial Prediction of Landslide Hazard Using Discriminant Analysis AUTHOR, YEAR Peter V. Gorsevski, Paul Gessler, Randy B. Foltz, 2000 STUDY AREA Rocky Point, a small watershed of the Clearwater River Basin in central Idaho. OBJECTIVE / CONCEPT To study the concept of Discriminant Analysis and GIS. To analyze the landslide hazard area on Rocky Point. METHODOLOGY / METHOD Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Help to analyze the multivariate data set. Discriminant Analysis Classify presence and absence of landslides using principal component scores. Discriminant analysis is a multivariate technique that is used to build rules that can classify landslide hazard into appropriate class. Cross-validation Estimate the probabilities of misclassification. Cross-validation method removes each observation vector from the calibration data set at a time, forms the discriminant rule based on all the remaining data to classify the removed observation, and notes whether the observation is correctly classified. GIS provided a detailed basis for spatial prediction of landslide hazard. OUTPUT / SUMMARY / RESULT Hazard map generated. Graph of multivariate normal probability plot for the principal component scores. TITLE Remote sensing and GIS-based landslide hazard analysis and cross-validation using multivariate logistic regression model on three test areas in Malaysia. AUTHOR, YEAR Biswajeet Pradhan, 2010 STUDY AREA Penang, Cameron and Selangor. OBJECTIVE / CONCEPT To generate cross-validation of a multivariate logistic regression model using remote sensing and GIS for landslide hazard analysis. METHODOLOGY / METHOD Data and material Interpreting aerial photographs and satellite images (SPOT 5 and Landsat TM) of study area. These aerial photographs were taken during 1981-2006 and were acquired from Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency data archives. Data analysis using ARC/INFO GIS software package and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was constructed. These data are related to the primary e ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ects (impact of debris or inclusion of a ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ected site from previously occurred landslides) of a wide variety of landslide types Model Approaching Traditional approach using a multivariate logistic regression model implemented in a GIS framework. The landslide hazard analysis is a function of a variety of variables that include slope, aspect, curvature, topography, distance from drainage, land cover, soil texture and types, geology and distance from lineament, rainfall precipitation, and the normalized di ¬Ã¢â€š ¬erence vegetation index (ndvi) The coefficient applied to the study area, for landslide hazard mapping. Multivariate logistic regression model Easier to use than discriminant analysis when have a mixture of numerical and categorical regressors , because it includes procedures for generating the necessary dummy variable automatically. Application of multivariate logistic regression model on landslide hazard mapping. Validation of the model. OUTPUT / SUMMARY / RESULT The validation results showed a satisfying agreement between the hazard maps and the landslide locations verified in the field. TITLE GIS Application in Landslide Hazard Analysis AUTHOR, YEAR Chyi-Tyi Lee, 2009 STUDY AREA Shihmen Reservoir Catchment Area in Northern Taiwan. OBJECTIVE / CONCEPT To analyze the landslide hazard area using GIS application. METHODOLOGY / METHOD Image and data collection The basic data utilized included a 5m x 5m grid DEM, SPOT5 images, 1/500 photo-based contour maps, 1/50000 geologic maps and hourly rainfall data. Establish of event-based landslide inventory To develop susceptibility model, only considered new landslides triggered by typhoons. Landslides triggered by Typhoon Aere were interpreted and delineated by comparing SPOT5 images taken before and after thetyphoon. Determination of causative factors and triggering factors These factors are then statistically tested and y effective factors selected for susceptibility analysis. 10 factors are selected: Lithology, slope gradient, NDVI, slope roughness, profile curvature, total slope height, relative slope height, topographic wetness index, distance to a fault, maximum rainfall intensity. Analysis Construction of model via logistic regression. Logistic regression to determine a linear function of factors for interpreting the landslide distribution from a set of training data. The linear function is used to calculate the landslide susceptibility index (LSI) for each cell. The LSI used to establish a probability of failure to LSI curve and determine the spatial probability of landslide occurrence at each cell. Landslide susceptibility mapping The landslide hazard area could be for the prediction of future landslides providing a scenario rainfall distribution is given. OUTPUT / SUMMARY / RESULT Successfully predict landslide location, area and volume in a drainage basin or catchment area using GIS.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Just in Time Inventory Management Essay

Just In Time Inventory Management Definition: Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory management is the process of ordering and receiving inventory for production and customer sales only as it is needed and not before. This means that the company does not hold safety stock and operates with low inventory levels. This strategy helps companies lower their inventory carrying costs. Just-in-time inventory management is a cost-cutting inventory management strategy though it can lead to stock-outs. The goal of JIT is to improve return on investment by reducing non-essential costs. Advantages & Disadvantages of Just-in-Time Inventory by Neil Kokemuller, Demand Media Companies turnover significant inventory control to suppliers with just-in-time inventory. Related Articles * The Advantages of Just-in-Time Inventory Systems†¨ * Advantages & Disadvantages of Excess Inventory†¨ * Examples of Just-in-Time Inventory * Just in Time Inventory Definition * Advantages & Disadvantages of Matrix Organizational Structures in Business Organizations†¨ * The Disadvantages of Buy-Hold-Sell Inventory Just-in-time (JIT) inventory refers to an inventory management system with objectives of having inventory readily available to meet demand, but not to a point of excess where you must stockpile extra products. Maintaining inventory takes time and has costs, which is what motivates companies to implement JIT programs. Ads by Google Production management Comprehensive SCM, SRM & WMS Suite from Epicor. Learn / Distribution Customer Needs Balancing the goals of avoiding stock outs while minimizing inventory costs is at the heart of just-in-time inventory. One of the main benefits of automated and efficient inventory replenishment systems is that you can quickly respond to reduced inventory levels. Companies are now equipped to pull back on stock in a given product category and ramp up inventory in another as customer needs and interests change. Inventory Costs Minimization of inventory management costs is a primary driver and benefit of just-in-time practices. Inventory management has costs, and when you reduce the amount of holding space and staff required with JIT, the company can invest the savings in business growth and other opportunities, points out the Accounting for Management website. You also have less likelihood of throwing out product that gets old or expires, meaning reduced waste. Coordination A disadvantage of managing a just-in-time inventory system is that it requires significant coordination between retailers and suppliers in the distribution channel. Retailers often put major trust in suppliers by syncing their computer systems with suppliers so they can more directly monitor inventory levels at stores or in distribution centers to initiate rapid response to low stock levels. This usually means build up of technology infrastructure, which is costly. This coordinated effort is more involving on the whole than less time intensive inventory management systems. Risks Just-in-time inventory is not without risks. By nature of what it is, companies using JIT intend to walk a fine line between having too much and too little inventory. If company buyers fail to adjust quickly to increased demand or if suppliers have distribution problems, the business risks  upsetting customers with stock outs. If buyers over compensate and buy extra inventory to avoid stock outs, the company could experience higher inventory costs and the potential for waste. 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Related Articles * Disadvantages of Buying Inventory in December * Advantages & Disadvantages to a Manual Inventory Control System†¨ * The Disadvantages of Buy-Hold-Sell Inventory * Disadvantages of High Inventory Levels * Advantages & Disadvantages of Excess Inventory†¨ * The Disadvantages of the Continuous Inventory System Increasing inventory in times of rising costs allows you to take advantage of lower prices now, which can result in increased profits as you sell off the inventory. But inflating inventory also carries significant disadvantages. The right inventory strategy for you depends on the business you’re in, your profits and losses and your ability to comfortably carry an inflated inventory. Analyzing your individual situation will tell you if the disadvantages of inflated inventory apply to you. Ads by Google Excel Spreadsheet Templates Fill-in the blanks & easily create any business document! Download Increased Costs The costs of inventory go beyond the purchase price of the goods or materials in your inventory. You must pay for space in which to store your inventory. If the inventory is perishable, you’ll rack up utility bills to heat and cool the space. You may need additional personnel to handle the inventory. If you buy materials or goods at a steep enough discount, your savings may be enough to offset these additional costs, but in many cases the cost of adding to your inventory cancel out your savings. Increased Taxes The Internal Revenue Service considers your inventory to be an asset, and you’re required to pay taxes on the inventory in stock at the end of the year. This is the reason you see many businesses hold Inventory Reduction Sales at year’s end. These businesses are looking to reduce their tax burden by selling off excess inventory. If, instead of selling off inventory, you’re focused on accumulating it, you could find yourself with a bigger tax bill. Before you build up your inventory, you should consider the possible tax implications of doing so. Spoilage Losses Most goods have a shelf life — a period after which they begin to deteriorate and spoil. For perishables such as food this can be a relatively short period. Durable goods have a longer shelf life, but even these can lose value over time. Fashions or household goods go out of style, fabrics fade  or are susceptible to damage from dust, insects or fire. If you build up too much inventory, you could be left with a quantity of useless goods on hand, resulting in a loss. Other Considerations When you increase your inventory because you come across a good deal on goods or materials, or because you think the prices will increase in the future, you’re gambling that your predictions about the future will come true. If, for example, the price of the goods and materials falls, you’re left holding an inventory of items for which you paid more than the current market rate. If you decide to inflate your inventory, double and triple check the information that led you to believe doing so was a good idea, and consider all the implications to your bottom line. What Is the Purpose of Just-in-Time Inventory Systems? by Luanne Kelchner, Demand Media Just in Time reduces stored inventory. Related Articles * Inventory & Work Order Systems * An Introduction to Inventory Management Systems * The Advantages of Just-in-Time Inventory Systems†¨ * Examples of Just-in-Time Inventory * Just in Time Inventory Definition * Advantages & Disadvantages of Just-in-Time Inventory Companies use a Just-in-Time manufacturing and inventory management system to improve the efficiency of the company and reduce costs. The system requires manufacturers to purchase only when customer orders create a demand. Companies must develop a relationship with vendors to ensure parts reach the facility in time to manufacture products for the customer request. Businesses only produce inventory when there is a customer order in place. The system does not allow the business to produce or store excess inventory. Just-in-Time systems work in large and small organizations and those that produce products or services. With adjustments, the principles of Just-in-Time inventory management and manufacturing can work in any business. Ads by Google Systems engineering Production & Process Manager Jobs Submit Resume to Apply Now! / Systems+engineering Reduce Inventory Costs Using a Just-in-Time inventory system reduces the amount of material on hand in the production facility. Companies can reduce the cost to store and maintain excess inventory and eliminate the risk of materials becoming obsolete while in storage. High inventory quantities tie up company funds, which could otherwise benefit other areas of the business such as the research and development of new products. With the reduction in inventory costs, companies can expand and grow their businesses. Lead Time Reduction Just-in-Time manufacturing also uses a pull system to move materials through the production cycle. For example, in a manufacturing business, materials do not move to the next step on an assembly line until that step or station is ready. This reduces the stockpiling of unfinished product at any stage in the production process. When the company eliminates bottlenecks, production speed or lead-time is faster. Process engineers must determine the maximum quantity any station in the production process can have waiting. While workers may sit idle waiting to move production to the next step, the process is more efficient. Efficient Manufacturing Layout Companies must create a layout on the production floor to move materials through the process efficiently. Some companies must move workstations closer together to eliminate steps in the work process. This leads to a more efficient manufacturing layout that can significantly reduce lead tIme. Building products efficiently is a primary focus for a company implementing a lean manufacturing system. Improve Customer Satisfaction Companies implement a Just-in-Time system or lean manufacturing to satisfy the demands of customers. The voice of the customer is always present in a Just-in-Time manufacturing environment. Reductions in lead time and costs can help a company deliver a product to the customer faster and for a lower price.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Pitfall of Term Papers Format

The Pitfall of Term Papers Format When you're not able to shorten your title, make sure that the entire text is double spaced. The structure needs to be organized and well-researched. There are lots of students who think that a title page is totally essential for any sort of academic writing. There are lots of paper templates to pick from, but a lot of the time your instructor will require a particular format for the entire class to follow. What Does Term Papers Format Mean? One of the fantastic values of pdf formats is that they're open standards used widely through the world. Customized content usually means the paper is written depending on your requirements and standards. Subdivide all the appropriate material into groups and after that name each group. Stop by our homepage to learn more about our academic writing services. You may also check on the standard of the greatest topic for term paper to get to understand the sort of professional services that we're speakin g about. From a good example term paper, it is possible for you to learn many essential things. The response is going to be received once possible as we understand that each minute might be of high importance for you. Step papers are usually taken post interview as a portion of a conditional offer of an undergraduate spot. Term Papers Format Students, but do not find the hidden risks. They have a great temptation to find shortcuts in their studies. They often give in to the temptation of using technical words to look smart. There are a number of essay writing services that think they're the very best, and therefore don't be cheated and check the authentic collection of the very best. Make certain your introduction has a crystal clear thesis statement close to the end. Whenever you have researched on a particular topic, you're expected to use a particular citation style. The subject of your paper and the selected literature ought to be adjacent. Since MLA and APA are the two most typical formatting styles that are employed in academic writing today, it's essential to be alert to the salient points involved. It's quite hard to effectively organize an essay without a fantastic outline. The thesis ought to be clear and easy. Thus, don't hesitate to purchase essays online here. The Hidden Truth About Term Papers Format Coming up with a great term paper is one of the essential battles students face towards the conclusion of the semesters. In addition, there are cases when a student can't even produce a topic because of his term paper. Furthermore our compound understanding of term paper formats lets us deliver nothing less then the ideal term papers. You're able to receive all types of college term papers for money. Understanding Term Papers Format If you're looking for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. The increasing number of essay writing services is wholly overwhelming. Should you need exper t writing help, don't hesitate to visit Term papers from the ideal custom writing company in regards to term papers writing, our company is a real leader in this region. Term Papers Format Can Be Fun for Everyone Term Paper format is vital to follow because the format of the expression paper defines and directs the stream of the paper and the way it ought to be written. No matter the character of your research if you're writing a paper an outline can help you to not just organize your thoughts but in addition function as the template for your whole paper. After you are through with your MLA term paper remember that you always have the option to get in contact with us to spruce up the paper and guarantee that it is grade-worthy. A term paper formatted in the APA style attempts to demonstrate something which has been shown to be true and it must be cited previously or present perfect tense. Nevertheless, there's no peer review of the internet. Produce an excellent abstract since it is the very first section that most journal readers read to decide whether they ought to read the whole paper. If you order from us, you can find a draft of your paper to ensure your writer is heading in the correct direction.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Personal Statement Of Teaching Philosophy - 1254 Words

Statement of Teaching Philosophy Stephanie Speicher, M.Ed. â€Å"I regard it as the foremost task of education to insure the survival of these qualities: an enterprising spirit, tenacity in pursuit, readiness for sensible self-denial, and above all compassion† Hahn, K. (1957, p.10). Outward bound. New York City: World Books. Foundation – The Sunrise I stood watching the sunrise on the final day of a weeklong backpack/rock climbing training with my college orientation program. The tears streamed down my face, without my knowledge, as I processed all that I had experienced that week. I spent much time immersed learning HOW to teach in an outdoor environment. My tears came from knowing I was heading into student teaching, my final college†¦show more content†¦The environment the teacher creates is instrumental to encouraging or inhibiting learning. It is my job to create a dynamic, exciting, and interconnected environment that encourages students to be part of thought-provoking conversation and potential learning opportunities. Specifically, when teaching social studies, it is crucial I treat subject matter as interconnected, emphasizing that everything students are learning fits together into a complete understanding of the world, from which they develop their personal global perspective. Finally, I believe the concept of respect must be present and felt by my students and colleagues. Not only to respect and be open to the content presented in class, but also to motivate them to respect themselves, each other and members of our global community. Experience is the Key I consider three overarching goals to each teaching â€Å"moment† I am presented with, each of them embedded in my conception of teaching as a temptation to Experience. First, I ask students to experience the specific course content. As a teacher of social studies, I see my task as creating spaces for students to encounter and discuss—at both a personal and professional level—fundamental questions of power, justice, identity, equity, and freedom. Asking my students to experience the course content also means encouraging active and participatory learning. Second, I ask students to experience â€Å"moments† with me and with each other. I model and clearly lay out